Monday, March 25, 2024

Card Weaving Native Flowers

 I’m winding down my weaving for the season, but still have information to share with you, so will continue posting until it’s all there! 

This weave was going to be ties for a second skirt, but once I got going,my plans for the skirt changed. The band is so pretty, why should it be on the inside? So, I picked up some seam binding and used that for the top and ties of the skirt and put the band 4 1/4” up from the bottom. I made earrings to match and still have a bit extra for something else.

Another 186” warp and 20 cards (I cut the pattern in half and mirrored the red edge and added a black card to both sides. #20 cotton - which is quite fine- made the band 1/2” wide. The completed band measured 135” after a trip through the washer and drier.

Directions for the skirt are on the last post. No elastic! I love it! It’s so comfortable. With this skirt my summer wardrobe is complete and I’m very satisfied with it all!

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