My weaving students have not been liking the Backstrap technique, and as some of them are RV’ers, they don’t have a good place to tie their work to, so another way was needed. An inkle loom just takes up too much space, and without a drill press they are NOT fun to make. I’ve been looking at cradle looms for quite a few years and decided it was time to build one. YES! thats the solution!
So I texted everyone and they brought their husbands several of whom are good builders and between us all, we built them!
Here is a picture of the finished loom, along with my original trial which was a little smaller, and the plans to build it.
I’ve looked on Etsy and Amazon, and there’s nothing like it available. We recycled wood, used hardware from other projects and bought one dowel, so costs were almost nonexistent.
This little loom a comodates 2” cards for card weaving, 4” hexagon cards, the little rigid heddle available on Amazon and I even used it with a little warping rod and string heddles!
Hope this helps you! Happy weaving!
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